Comprehensive Pest Control in Forney, TX, for Home and Business Owners

Experiencing a pest problem at your property in Forney, TX? Call 469-595-7067 for expert service by T-Rex Pest Control.

Forney, TX, offers a warm and pleasant place to live and work in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, but like other Texas cities, it’s no stranger to invasive pests. Many homes and businesses throughout the Forney area struggle with pest infestations, but T-Rex Pest Control is here to help. We offer environmentally friendly pest control Forney, TX, home and business owners trust for effective and safe extermination.

Comprehensive Pest Control in Forney, TX, for Home and Business Owners

Whether termites have invaded your home or you have rodents on your commercial property, you can trust our team to provide eco-friendly and affordable pest control solutions. We back up our work with a 100% satisfaction guarantee, which means we’ll return free of charge if your pesky invaders come back.

Curious about what past clients have to say about our services? Check out our customer reviews.

Forney, TX, Residential Pest Control

When you call us for residential pest control service in Forney, we’ll conduct a comprehensive inspection at your home to locate all the problem areas and determine the best action plan. We always use green solutions to protect your and your family’s health and the environment. Don’t delay if you notice signs of a pest infestation at your home, like dead bugs, bite marks on cables or wood, or droppings.

At T-Rex Pest Control, we can treat your Forney property to eliminate the following pests:

Pests don’t stand a chance against our thorough pest control services, so call today to book your appointment.

Commercial Pest Control in Forney, TX

Our comprehensive pest control services help Forney businesses remain pest free. If bed bugs, termites, ants, or other invaders have infested your commercial property, you can trust us to provide a comprehensive inspection and treatment. We understand that you need the most thorough service possible to maintain operations at your commercial space and protect the health of everyone on your property.

T-Rex offers commercial pest control in Forney, TX, to reduce and eliminate pests at properties across industries, including:

  • Hotels
  • Restaurants
  • Food processing facilities
  • Health care facilities
  • Schools
  • And more!

We use the safest and most environmentally friendly treatments to protect you, your employees, and other property visitors.

Forney Ant Control Services

Residential and commercial properties alike struggle with ant infestations. These tiny creatures enter through the smallest spaces to nest in homes and businesses in search of food. Whether fire ants have invaded your home or carpenter ants have snuck into your restaurant, you can trust T-Rex Pest Control to take care of it.

If you have an ant infestation, don’t rely on ineffective over-the-counter sprays or traps. We’ll select the ideal method to eliminate your ant problem, stop the ants from spreading to other areas, and prevent them from coming back.

Cockroach Exterminators in Forney

Many home and business owners call us for professional pest control in Forney, TX, due to cockroach infestations. These insects prefer the dark, so you may face an infestation in your walls, floor drains, or even in kitchen and bathroom cabinets. Not only are cockroaches unsettling, but they carry harmful bacteria and pathogens that can threaten the health of people living or working in an infested space.

If you see a cockroach in your home or business, don’t wait to call our T-Rex team. Even one cockroach can indicate a significant infestation. We can locate cockroaches hiding in your home or commercial building and provide an effective extermination solution.

Mosquito Control

Mosquitos love the heat and humidity of Forney, TX, and populations can quickly get out of control. Not only are these pests annoying, but they also carry harmful viruses like Zika and West Nile. Reducing mosquito populations at your residential or commercial property can help protect you, your family, and others.

At T-Rex Pest Control, we’re dedicated to providing green extermination and pest reduction solutions that solve mosquito problems without risking the health of people or the environment. We’ll help reduce the mosquito population at your property using reliable, eco-friendly treatments.

Forney Termite Extermination

The hot Texas climate also welcomes termites: small destructive insects that feed on cellulose, a primary component in wood. Undetected termites can cause significant structural damage to your home or commercial building, so don’t put off an inspection if you suspect you have a termite infestation.

If you notice mud tubes or other termite signs, schedule an inspection with T-Rex Pest Control. We’ll evaluate your pest problem and provide the necessary treatment to remove these insects from your residential or commercial property.

Bed Bug Exterminators

Many home and business owners pale at the mention of bed bugs. Bed bugs invade homes, hotels, and other buildings in search of their food source: the blood of humans and animals. If you have bed bugs at your home or commercial property, they may be feeding on your, your family, or even your pets.

Bed bugs can be tricky to locate, but our expert pest control technicians at T-Rex Pest Control know how to identify bed bug infestations and provide comprehensive and effective treatments. Call us for effective pest control in Forney, TX, and we’ll ensure we solve your bed bug problem completely.

Forney Rodent Control

Mice, rats, and other rodents squeeze through small holes and cracks to invade residential and commercial structures alike. They can cause significant property damage and threaten the health of everyone inside by spreading ticks, fleas, viruses, and diseases. Rodents reproduce at a rapid pace, causing large infestations in short periods.

If you notice rodent droppings, chewed electrical wiring, or other signs of a mouse or rat infestation, call T-Rex Pest Control for an inspection. Our rodent control services focus on removing the infestation and rodent-proofing your structure to prevent rodent invasions in the future.

Wildlife Control in Forney

Raccoons, squirrels, and other wildlife can cause many headaches by digging through your trash and invading attics and other spaces to create their dens. They may also carry dangerous diseases, including the rabies virus, which can spread to pets and humans. Despite these dangers, many home and business owners prefer humane removal and exclusion methods that don’t harm the animal.

At T-Rex Pest Control, we’re committed to using the most eco-friendly and humane techniques to remove unwanted wildlife. We can safely trap raccoons, squirrels, opossums, snakes, and more. We’ll also help you prevent further infestation through our exclusion services.

Click here to learn more about T-Rex Pest Control, your top choice for residential and commercial pest removal.

Say Goodbye to Pesky Pests! Trust T-Rex Pest Control

We offer professional pest control in Forney, TX, to help you solve your pest infestation problems. Whether you’re dealing with ants, rodents, mosquitoes, or another invader, you can trust the T-Rex team for eco-friendly solutions. When you work with T-Rex Pest Control, you put your trust in a company dedicated to providing the best extermination and pest management service in Forney.

We see our clients as our neighbors and provide the same care we would bring to our own homes and businesses.

Call us at 469-595-7067 today for reliable pest control services in Forney, TX.

Ready to enjoy your pest free home?

Contact T-Rex today!