Termite Control in Mesquite, TX

Among all the destructive, troublesome pests that can get into a building, termites are just about the worst. Left untreated, termites can leave behind extensive damage (or even destroy a property entirely). At T-Rex Pest Control, we take no prisoners: We mean business with our Mesquite termite control.

When you hire us to handle your termite control in Mesquite TX, there’s no risk involved. We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee: If your pests return, so do we!

Termite Control in Mesquite, TX

What Makes Us Better Than Other Mesquite Termite Control Companies?

As a locally owned and operated business, we understand the problems homeowners and businesses alike face from unwanted pests, including termites. However, we’re not just a “Mesquite termite control company.”

We actually handle a broad spectrum of pest control services, including things like:

  • Fire ants
  • Black ants
  • Wasps
  • Silverfish
  • Earwigs
  • Crickets
  • Mosquitos
  • Rodents
  • Spiders
  • Beetles
  • Roaches
  • Carpenter ants
  • Ticks
  • Fleas

If it’s some kind of household pest that’s bothering you, the odds are high that we have a solution. Best of all: We believe in natural pest control methods that won’t put your health (or the health of your family and pets) in danger.

If that’s still not enough to convince you that we’re the best company for termite control in Mesquite TX, we also offer:

  • Affordable pricing and easy payment options to make budgeting simple
  • A $50 discount for new customers who need Mesquite termite control
  • Convenient scheduling and clear communication
  • Bi-monthly treatment plans for termite control in Mesquite TX that can help you stay ahead of trouble
  • Reliable, efficient service technicians who show up when they promise

In short, we want to be the first place you think to call whenever you have a pest problem in Mesquite – and the last. We aim to make our service so good that you never need to go anywhere else for your pest control needs.


Don’t Let the Termites Take Over! Call Us for Mesquite Termite Control Today

The trick isn’t making the termites go away: It’s making sure they don’t come back. Call us at (940) 567-8910 to learn more about your options for termite control in Mesquite TX today, or use our easy online form to connect. We look forward to working with you!

Ready to enjoy your pest free home?

Contact T-Rex today!